Iran pays homage to selected non-Iranian elites, giving them privileges.

Nouraei & Mostafavi Law Offices – February 27, 2023- Tehran- Iran- In a move to support friendly non-Iranian elites, the Iranian government has decided to privilege those who have supported the ideology of the Islamic Republic and its national interests. The decree of the cabinet, published today in the Farsi language Official Gazette, is translated unofficially here below.:

Official Gazette: Number 22705 dated 8 Esfand 1401(February 27, 2023)

Executive Power

Authority of approval: Council of Ministers

Particular issue number: 1641

Regulation for Supporting Non-Iranian Elites

No. H 60441 T/219437 – Dated 26/11/1401(February 15, 2023)

Ministry of Science, Research and Technology – Ministry of Health, Treatment, and Medical Education- Ministry of Interior – Ministry of Cooperation, Labor and Social Welfare – Ministry of Communications and Information Technology- Ministry of Foreign Affairs – President’s Deputy for Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy-

National Elite Foundation – Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Upon the proposal No. 11/9012911 dated 2/7/1401 (September 24, 2023) of the President’s Deputy for Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy and in accordance with Article 138 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Council of Ministers, in its meeting of 25/10/1401 (January 15, 2023), approved the regulation for supporting non-Iranian elites as follows:

The Regulation for Supporting Non-Iranian Elites

Article 1: To benefit from the knowledge and expertise of non-Iranian elites who have done or are doing remarkable services and actions in line with the ideals of the holy system of the Islamic Republic and securing its national interests, they will receive citizenship privileges if they have the elite conditions, except citizenship and holding the positions mentioned in Article (982) of the Civil Law.

Article 2- Indicators of non-Iranian elites subject to this Regulation and how to score those indicators within the framework of the Country’s Strategic Document on Elite Affairs – approved in the year 1391 (March 20, 2912-  March 20, 2013) by the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution- including outstanding academic and educational records, research activities with an emphasis on problem-oriented activities, selection in prestigious competitive events, technological and innovative activities, exceptional cultural, literary, artistic, managerial and sports activities aligned with Iranian, Islamic and revolutionary national values recommended or introduced by the elites of science, technology, literature, culture, art, etc., should be prepared by the National Foundation of Elites in cooperation with the President’s Deputy for Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy and other relevant executive bodies to be subsequently approved by the Council of Ministers.

Article 3: The President’s Deputy for Science, Technology, and Knowledge-based Economy, in cooperation with the National Elite Foundation, is obliged to consider the requests of the applicants for the support foreseen in this Regulation, based on the indicators of Article (2) of this Regulation, and, after obtaining the opinion of the particular relevant organs. introduce the qualified people to the Commission for Organizing Foreign Nationals and Immigrants of the Ministry of Interior within two weeks upon completing the documents.

Article 4: The commission subject to Article (3) of this Regulation must review and decide regarding the files sent by the President’s Deputy for Science, Technology, and Knowledge-based Economy within two months after inquiring with the competent security and law enforcement authorities. The General Police Command of the Islamic Republic of Iran must issue special residence booklets for applicants approved by the commission mentioned above, within two weeks.

Article 5: The Ministry of Cooperation, Labor and Social Welfare and the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education, and other related institutions and authorities are obliged to issue employment permits or business permits for the holders of the particular residence book subject to these regulations.

Article 6: The Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran is obliged to create the necessary mechanism for the holders of the particular residence book subject to this Regulation to benefit from all banking services like Iranian nationals within one month from the date of notification of this Regulation.

Article 7: The holders of the particular residence booklets shall continue their education in the country’s universities and higher education and research institutions per the same criteria as Iranian citizens.

Article 8: All executive bodies are obliged to provide services, within the framework of their tasks and powers, to the holders of special residence booklets, including issuing certificates, SIM cards, insurance services, company establishment, and exit and return, similar to Iranian nationals.

Article 9: The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology is obliged to create the necessary mechanism to provide services through the national window of smart government services to the holders of special residence booklets based on the particular residence ID similar to the national ID of Iranian citizens within one month from the date of notification of this Regulation.

Article 10-paragraph (4) of the approval letter No. 107450/T59267H dated 19/6/1401 (September7,  2023) is canceled.

First Vice President – Mohammad Mokhber

(Copyrighted. Re-publication and usage wholly or partially allowed upon naming the source J. Nouraei & M. Mostafavi Law Offices).

Article 982 of the Civil Code of Iran – Those who have obtained or obtain Iranian nationality will enjoy all rights recognized for Iranians but cannot attain the following positions:

1 – Presidency or vice – presidency,

2 – Membership in the Council of Guardians and position of chief of the Judiciary,

3- Ministry, deputy ministry, positions of governor – general and governorship,

4- Membership of the Islamic consultative Assembly (parliament),

5 – Membership in provincial, or district councils, or municipal councils

6 – Employment with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, or attaining any diplomatic position or being appointed on diplomatic delegations.

7 – Judgeship.

8 – The highest – ranking command positions in the Army, the Revolutionary Guard Corps and the Law Enforcement Forces.

9- Important intelligence and security positions. (Amended in accordance to the Law on Amendment of Several Articles of the Civil Law, 1991) (
